Courtney Drayton serves as a Consultant, Clinical Services Analyst providing strategic direction for the expansion of community based perinatal and reproductive health service delivery. She supports workforce development programming, curates training resources, and partners with organizations on capacity-building initiatives. Courtney’s public health portfolio includes: Black maternal health research; evaluation of clinical mentorship programs for nursing and midwifery practice in maternal, infant, and pediatric HIV care across East and Southern Africa; management of a statewide breastfeeding initiative; identifying support for pregnancies complicated by chronic illnesses; and studying the impact of natural disasters on reproductive health. As a registered nurse, Courtney has experience in neonatal intensive care and is currently working in labor and delivery. She earned her BS in Microbiology from Louisiana State University, MPH from Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine and an ASN from Louisiana Delta Community College. Courtney enjoys the outdoors, traveling, documentaries, and spending time with her loved ones.