Please join me in supporting the inaugural national Black Maternal Health Week and in recognizing the importance of Black maternal health. The Black Mamas Matter Alliance supports this resolution.
The United States is the only wealthy country in which rates of illness and death during pregnancy are on the rise. The rates of maternal mortality and morbidity among Black women are especially alarming. Black women are three to four times more likely to die from pregnancy-related complications than white women. This resolution is one way to draw attention to this health crisis in the Black community.
Sample Twitter Messages
Please join us, @RepAdams + Sen. @KamalaHarris in supporting the 1st nat’l #BlackMaternalHealthWeek (4/11-17) to recognize the importance of Black #maternalhealth! Tag your Congress members urging them to do the same! Find out who they are at #BMHW18
We have joined forces with @RepAdams + Sen. @KamalaHarris to amplify the rights and voices of Black mamas! Join us in urging Congress to recognize the 1st national #BlackMaternalHealthWeek (4/11-17). Read the resolution at #BMHW18 #BlackMamasMatter
Sample Facebook and Instagram Messages
Black Mamas Matter Alliance has launched the first national “Black Maternal Health Week” to foster awareness, activism, and community-building around the state of Black maternal health in the U.S. In support, Rep. Alma Adams and Sen. Kamala Harris will introduce a joint congressional resolution officially recognizing the importance of Black maternal health. Read and share the resolution at You can help by tagging your Congress Members and urging them to do the same! Visit to find out who they are. Together we can declare nationwide that Black Mamas Matter!
Black Mamas Matter is joining forces with Rep. Alma Adams and Sen. Kamala Harris to introduce a joint congressional resolution in support and recognition of the first national “Black Maternal Health Week”! Read and share the resolution at You can help by getting your Congress Members to sign on by tagging them on social media using the hashtags #BlackMaternalHealthWeek and #BMHW18. To locate who they are, go to and simply enter in your zip code. Thank you for joining the movement to amplify the rights and voices of Black Mamas!